BSOG Energy

BSOG Energy is a 100% subsidiary of Black Sea Oil & Gas, established on May 27, 2024. Our mission is to develop green energy projects in Romania, with an initial focus on large-scale biomethane opportunities.

We leverage:
  • The proven expertise and successful execution track record of Black Sea Oil & Gas in Romania
  • Strong backing from Carlyle Group and EBRD
  • Support from Carlyle’s network of international biogas specialists

Our goal is to secure five high-quality sites (each 20MW or larger) for development.

This methane can:

  • Replace methane from natural gas with decarbonized biomethane
  • Be used to generate electricity and heat through combined heat and power (CHP) engines
  • Be refined into biomethane for a cleaner energy source


  • By collecting the organic waste the biogas process removes this waste from accumulating in landfills and farm lands
  • The byproduct, called digestate, is a high-value organic fertilizer that can replace non organic chemical fertilizers.

Biomethane feedstock potential

Romania ranks 4th in the EU in terms of biogas and biomethane potential. The biogas sector in Central and Eastern Europe is growing, with much focus on Poland. Romania is now emerging as a key player.

Growth Potential:

  • Biogas in the EU is expected to grow by 20% per year this decade
  • Romania’s biogas market is projected to grow at almost double that rate

NECP The National Energy and Climate Plans administered by EU

Project Alba – a game changer

  • Largest dairy farm in Romania used as a feedstock provider (500,000 tons per year)
  • 10-hectare land parcel for plant construction
  • DN Agrar will handle transportation, logistics, and digestate management
  • Additional feedstock will come from nearby farms, crop producers, and other organic waste sources

BSOG Energy will:

  • Purchase feedstock from DN Agrar and third-party suppliers
  • Build and operate the biomethane plant
  • Sell biomethane to Romanian and European markets with Green Energy Credits
  • Explore digestate opportunities for sustainable agriculture

BSOG Energy is in advanced discussions on 2 additional sites in Romania for large scale commercial biomethane plants. In addition, BSOG Energy continues to undertake further exploratory site investigations with a view that in 2025 BSOG Energy will have locked up 3 large commercial sites including Project Alba.