
Black Sea Oil & Gas conducts its activities in a manner which will minimize the impact on the environment through appropriate planning, ongoing review and taking a responsible approach to our operations.

At Black Sea Oil & Gas we continuously improve our performance by setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets and monitoring our progress. We recognise that minimising environmental impact and the prevention of environmental incidents is essential to the operation of our business.

BSOG is certified ISO 14001:2015.

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the Midia Gas Development Project, Offshore Black Sea

The project consists of the design and construction of the offshore facilities for the production of gas from the Ana and Doina Discoveries, located in XV Midia Block, a production pipeline and an onshore GTP.

An 18-km pipeline will route production from subsea well(s) at the Doina field location to a new (normally) unmanned platform at the Ana field location. A 121-km pipeline will then route the combined production from the Ana and Doina fields from the Ana platform to the shoreline, where an approximately 4.3 km pipeline (of which 4.1 km is onshore, on BSOG land) will connect to the new GTP. The processed gas will be delivered into the NTS operated by Transgaz (National Gas Transmission Operator) at the gas metering station to be found within the GTP.

Starting 2016, BSOG undertook the performance of an ESIA process for MGD Project in line with the EBRD Policy. Full disclosure of the ESIA package documentation took place on April 18th, 2019.