Politica de CSR a BSOG se bazează pe valorile esențiale ale companiei în ceea ce privește siguranța, perseverența, pionieratul, munca în echipă și responsabilitatea și îşi propune să corespundă așteptărilor părților interesate privind realizarea activităţilor BSOG în conformitate cu standardele internaționale și cu cele mai bune practici din industrie.

Ne angajăm să ne desfășurăm operațiunile în condiții de siguranță și responsabilitate, ceea ce înseamnă sprijinirea comunităților locale și protecția mediului, precum și protejarea sănătății și securității angajaților noştri și a contractorilor care lucrează pentru noi.

Ne propunem să ne derulăm operațiunile într-o manieră responsabilă din punct de vedere social și încercăm să contribuim pozitiv la economia locală prin îmbunătățirea și menținerea bunăstării comunității locale în care operăm. În acest scop, ne străduim să stabilim relații pe termen lung cu comunitatea locală, să înțelegem nevoile acesteia și să ajutăm comunitatea să se dezvolte.

Activitățile noastre în domeniul CSR se axează pe educație, dezvoltare comunitară și protecția mediului și sunt realizate în parteneriat cu localnicii, ONG-uri, autorități locale și alte părți interesate. BSOG se angajează să aibă un impact pozitiv și durabil în aceste domenii.

Rapoarte anuale

Acțiuni CSR

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Advocating for improved measures to protect Vadu beach

In 2021 we started the collaboration with Mare Nostrum NGO, the main environmental NGOs working for protecting Romanian shores, on implementing a string of actions to protect Vadu beach and develop a plan for the sustainable development of the area.

The first action envisaged by the project was a monitoring session on Vadu beach of marine litter that took place in April with volunteers from Mare Nostrum and BSOG.

A methodology applied at EU level was used that involved collecting of the marine litter, assessing it by category type and marking in a monitoring sheet the code type and quantity over an area of 100 meters from the water line and in parallel with the sea.

The second activity envisaged was drafting a strategy/plan for the sustainable development of the Vadu area together with the main stakeholders in the area by organizing a series of round tables where their views were put for debate.

The first roundtable was a hybrid meeting (online and face to face) that took place on April 23rd in Tulcea. The first part of the meeting was dedicated to presenting the view of the participants (Danube Delta Reserve, WWF, Mare Nostrum) related to the specifics of the area, debate and recommendations, and the second was a SWOT analysis of the Vadu area, focused on fishing and tourism, social and environment.

The third activity involved conducting a public information campaign to raise awareness among Vadu beach tourists about maintaining cleanliness on the beach and the importance of the Vadu area, as part of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. The campaign covered the period June-September.

Advocating for improved measures to protect Vadu beach

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In 2021 we started the collaboration with Mare Nostrum NGO, the main environmental NGOs working for protecting Romanian shores, on implementing a string of actions to protect Vadu beach and develop a plan for the sustainable development of the area.

The first action envisaged by the project was a monitoring session on Vadu beach of marine litter that took place in April with volunteers from Mare Nostrum and BSOG.

A methodology applied at EU level was used that involved collecting of the marine litter, assessing it by category type and marking in a monitoring sheet the code type and quantity over an area of 100 meters from the water line and in parallel with the sea.

The second activity envisaged was drafting a strategy/plan for the sustainable development of the Vadu area together with the main stakeholders in the area by organizing a series of round tables where their views were put for debate.

The first roundtable was a hybrid meeting (online and face to face) that took place on April 23rd in Tulcea. The first part of the meeting was dedicated to presenting the view of the participants (Danube Delta Reserve, WWF, Mare Nostrum) related to the specifics of the area, debate and recommendations, and the second was a SWOT analysis of the Vadu area, focused on fishing and tourism, social and environment.

The third activity involved conducting a public information campaign to raise awareness among Vadu beach tourists about maintaining cleanliness on the beach and the importance of the Vadu area, as part of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. The campaign covered the period June-September.

Ubuntu Project with Corbu School

The UBUNTU project, implemented by Corbu school with a grant from BSOG, was marked with the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Therefore, we discussed with the project team to adapt the activities though keep in mind the objectives of the project.

The main activities implemented by the school in 2020 included:

  • Counselling sessions with pupils and parents
  • Online drawing contest for pupils A friendly school
  • Movie and theatre viewing on bullying thematic for pupils
  • Training for teacher’s development.
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Donation of tablets to Vadu kindergarten and school

In October 2020 awarded a sponsorship to Save the Children Romania to provide 46 tablets connected to internet for 24 months, for all pupils attending Vadu kindergarten and primary school. The donation was publicly endorsed by Omid Ghanadi, the architect for one of the most popular TV social shows in Romania.

Due to Covid-19 protection measures, the ceremony was organized outside the school yard and no children were present. The tablets were given to the School Mayor and teachers and were provided to children after they were carefully disinfected.

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Preserving local traditions and history by supporting the creation of Corbu 1st monography

In 2020 we also awarded a sponsorship for the publishing of Corbu 1st monography. The launching event, organized on March 7th at Cherhana Moesia in Vadu, brought together the authors as well as other local KOLs who presented the importance and value of this document for the local community.

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Christmas gifts to Vadu school pupils

2020 was the fourth year in a row when BSOG became Santa for Vadu school pupils, despite the pandemic restrictions which did not allow direct interaction with the children. Gifts consisting of a puzzle adequate to the age group, book, sweets, toy, personalized wooden globe, MGD bag, were delivered to Vadu school teachers who went with a dressed Santa home to each of the Vadu pupils to offer them. All were delighted to see that BSOG Santa reached them in the pandemic year.

Ubuntu Project with Corbu School

The UBUNTU project, implemented by Corbu school with a grant from BSOG, was marked with the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. Therefore, we discussed with the project team to adapt the activities though keep in mind the objectives of the project.

The main activities implemented by the school in 2020 included:

  • Counselling sessions with pupils and parents
  • Online drawing contest for pupils A friendly school
  • Movie and theatre viewing on bullying thematic for pupils
  • Training for teacher’s development.

Donation of tablets to Vadu kindergarten and school

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In October 2020 awarded a sponsorship to Save the Children Romania to provide 46 tablets connected to internet for 24 months, for all pupils attending Vadu kindergarten and primary school. The donation was publicly endorsed by Omid Ghanadi, the architect for one of the most popular TV social shows in Romania.

Due to Covid-19 protection measures, the ceremony was organized outside the school yard and no children were present. The tablets were given to the School Mayor and teachers and were provided to children after they were carefully disinfected.

Preserving local traditions and history by supporting the creation of Corbu 1st monography

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In 2020 we also awarded a sponsorship for the publishing of Corbu 1st monography. The launching event, organized on March 7th at Cherhana Moesia in Vadu, brought together the authors as well as other local KOLs who presented the importance and value of this document for the local community.

Preserving local traditions and history by supporting the creation of Corbu 1st monography

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2020 was the fourth year in a row when BSOG became Santa for Vadu school pupils, despite the pandemic restrictions which did not allow direct interaction with the children. Gifts consisting of a puzzle adequate to the age group, book, sweets, toy, personalized wooden globe, MGD bag, were delivered to Vadu school teachers who went with a dressed Santa home to each of the Vadu pupils to offer them. All were delighted to see that BSOG Santa reached them in the pandemic year.

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Community consultation meetings

BSOG considers the consultation process as an important step to create sustainable programs, therefore constantly seeks to consult and involve local stakeholders in order to identify the areas or key topics of interest that could trigger community development in the project area. In this regards, 2 community meetings were organized in 2019 in Corbu with the aim to validate with local key stakeholders the CSR directions and engage community in solving local needs.

The 3 hours meetings were moderated by an external facilitator, with high experience in community development. Organized on 12th July and 27th August 2019, the meetings gathered 16 relevant members in the community - representatives of the City Hall, teachers, priest, owners of local business, NGOs representatives, regular citizens. The meetings design encouraged active participation and debate in order to generate relevant solutions for the community development.

The community meetings conclusions were used to better draft the next stages of the CSR strategy and better tailor future programs to the needs of the community.

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Mentorship program for Corbu School teachers

Pursuant to the community consultation meetings held, the educational needs appeared to be most pressing to address. A mentorship program was proposed with the primary aim of working closely with local stakeholders to develop an educational project proposal, that will be funded in 2020 by BSOG with 12.000 Euro. The program was customized for people involved in education activities within the community: teachers, volunteers and NGO representatives from Corbu and Vadu.

Under the guidance of a highly experienced mentor, 12 teachers from Corbu school and NGO representatives actively participated to a 4-half day working sessions, organized to the Cultural Youth Center in Corbu. They learned how to write a project proposal, tips and tricks for successful projects, and they succeeded to finalize the narrative for the 2020 project that will be implemented in Corbu, as well the budget.

The project, to be implemented starting with January 2020, aims to reduce aggressivity in school and increase pupil’s life skills. More than 170 pupils and 150 parents will benefit from the project activities, such as counselling, summer school, study visits in museums, theater shows, competitions, movies projections and workshops in school.

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Planting action in Corbu and Vadu

On October 27th, more than 130 trees were planted in Vadu and Corbu by a joint team of volunteers from the local community and BSOG. A group of 45 teachers, pupils, teenagers from the Youth Center, local volunteers and BSOG staff gathered to the Youth Center in Corbu and the school yard in Vadu to plant oaks and lidens, trees that easily adjust to the microclimate of the area.

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Vadu Patrol – an educational program for environment protection

In response to the need identified by the citizens in Corbu to act as environment guardians for the beaches, BSOG developed Vadu Patrol – Patrula de la Vadu, a long-term program for environment protection education. The program aims to raise awareness among adults and children in Corbu and Vadu regarding the importance to keep unaltered flora and fauna, a key element for ensuring the sustainability of area.

The first action of the program was addressed to pupils from Vadu School and brought an innovative educational approach to environment education, combining learning and discovery lessons in classroom and nature. The action was implemented with Oceanic Club Association, a well-respected NGO from Constanta.

A biologist and an educational specialist from the NGO travelled on November 16th to Vadu school and engage pupils in a theoretical and practical ecological session. The 40 pupils, age 4-11, first learned, during a 2 hours session, about the fauna from the area and had the opportunity to see by themselves through microscope lenses small organisms known to live in the area. In the second part of the day, the children went to the beach and explored, under the guidance of the biologist, various plants and animals in their natural habitat.

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Dolphinarium visit

As teachers recalled, seeing dolphins was a dream for many Vadu school pupils. The visit to the Complex of Natural Science and Dolphinarium in Constanta responded to both an educational and social need of the Vadu pupils. The action was designed to help pupils learn more about the wildlife and flora in the coastal region of Black Sea but also to provide them a different kind of activity, that is fun and educational in the same time. Most of pupils attending Vadu Kindergarten and Primary School come from families with weak economic background, therefore many of them did not have the leave the village yet.

On December 20th, 50 pupils from the kindergarten and primary school in Vadu, took the school bus to Constanta and enjoyed a special day in the Complex. All participated to a 30 minutes Dolphins show and visited the Micro reservation, where they saw and learned about plants and animals living in the Black Sea area. While the older pupils visited the Planetarium, the little ones from kindergarten played in a special play zone, where carefully planned games were prepared in advance for them.

The 3 hours visit was followed by a Happy lunch at McDonald’s. At the end of the day, BSOG team offered to each child a Christmas present, with toys, sweets and branded winter gears (gloves, caps, muffler). The gifts were prepared by BSOG employees who chose to donate their budget for the Christmas gift they would have received from BSOG to offer a memorable day to Vadu school children.

Community consultation meetings

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BSOG considers the consultation process as an important step to create sustainable programs, therefore constantly seeks to consult and involve local stakeholders in order to identify the areas or key topics of interest that could trigger community development in the project area. In this regards, 2 community meetings were organized in 2019 in Corbu with the aim to validate with local key stakeholders the CSR directions and engage community in solving local needs.

The 3 hours meetings were moderated by an external facilitator, with high experience in community development. Organized on 12th July and 27th August 2019, the meetings gathered 16 relevant members in the community - representatives of the City Hall, teachers, priest, owners of local business, NGOs representatives, regular citizens. The meetings design encouraged active participation and debate in order to generate relevant solutions for the community development.

The community meetings conclusions were used to better draft the next stages of the CSR strategy and better tailor future programs to the needs of the community.

Mentorship program for Corbu School teachers

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Pursuant to the community consultation meetings held, the educational needs appeared to be most pressing to address. A mentorship program was proposed with the primary aim of working closely with local stakeholders to develop an educational project proposal, that will be funded in 2020 by BSOG with 12.000 Euro. The program was customized for people involved in education activities within the community: teachers, volunteers and NGO representatives from Corbu and Vadu.

Under the guidance of a highly experienced mentor, 12 teachers from Corbu school and NGO representatives actively participated to a 4-half day working sessions, organized to the Cultural Youth Center in Corbu. They learned how to write a project proposal, tips and tricks for successful projects, and they succeeded to finalize the narrative for the 2020 project that will be implemented in Corbu, as well the budget.

The project, to be implemented starting with January 2020, aims to reduce aggressivity in school and increase pupil’s life skills. More than 170 pupils and 150 parents will benefit from the project activities, such as counselling, summer school, study visits in museums, theater shows, competitions, movies projections and workshops in school.

Planting action in Corbu and Vadu

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On October 27th, more than 130 trees were planted in Vadu and Corbu by a joint team of volunteers from the local community and BSOG. A group of 45 teachers, pupils, teenagers from the Youth Center, local volunteers and BSOG staff gathered to the Youth Center in Corbu and the school yard in Vadu to plant oaks and lidens, trees that easily adjust to the microclimate of the area.

Vadu Patrol – an educational program for environment protection

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In response to the need identified by the citizens in Corbu to act as environment guardians for the beaches, BSOG developed Vadu Patrol – Patrula de la Vadu, a long-term program for environment protection education. The program aims to raise awareness among adults and children in Corbu and Vadu regarding the importance to keep unaltered flora and fauna, a key element for ensuring the sustainability of area.

The first action of the program was addressed to pupils from Vadu School and brought an innovative educational approach to environment education, combining learning and discovery lessons in classroom and nature. The action was implemented with Oceanic Club Association, a well-respected NGO from Constanta.

A biologist and an educational specialist from the NGO travelled on November 16th to Vadu school and engage pupils in a theoretical and practical ecological session. The 40 pupils, age 4-11, first learned, during a 2 hours session, about the fauna from the area and had the opportunity to see by themselves through microscope lenses small organisms known to live in the area. In the second part of the day, the children went to the beach and explored, under the guidance of the biologist, various plants and animals in their natural habitat.

Dolphinarium visit

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As teachers recalled, seeing dolphins was a dream for many Vadu school pupils. The visit to the Complex of Natural Science and Dolphinarium in Constanta responded to both an educational and social need of the Vadu pupils. The action was designed to help pupils learn more about the wildlife and flora in the coastal region of Black Sea but also to provide them a different kind of activity, that is fun and educational in the same time. Most of pupils attending Vadu Kindergarten and Primary School come from families with weak economic background, therefore many of them did not have the leave the village yet.

On December 20th, 50 pupils from the kindergarten and primary school in Vadu, took the school bus to Constanta and enjoyed a special day in the Complex. All participated to a 30 minutes Dolphins show and visited the Micro reservation, where they saw and learned about plants and animals living in the Black Sea area. While the older pupils visited the Planetarium, the little ones from kindergarten played in a special play zone, where carefully planned games were prepared in advance for them.

The 3 hours visit was followed by a Happy lunch at McDonald’s. At the end of the day, BSOG team offered to each child a Christmas present, with toys, sweets and branded winter gears (gloves, caps, muffler). The gifts were prepared by BSOG employees who chose to donate their budget for the Christmas gift they would have received from BSOG to offer a memorable day to Vadu school children.